...something unknown is doing I don't know what, and that is what our knowledge amounts to.

Blog Archive

Sunday 19 April 2009

My acne is clearing up

Holy fuck. At the risk of getting all 'dear diary'... ah fuck it. I HAVE HAD THE MOST UNBELIEVABLE FEW WEEKS E.V.E.R.

I don't even know where it all started. No, I do. I starting living in an entirely different way after moving back to mums house and being alone with a bong 99% of my time. Instead of avoiding bad acts to avoid bad karma, I've been throwing myself into good deeds in order to receive the most perfect karma ever.

A few wednesdays ago i decided that I'd have to wake up Thursday morning to cut my fringe before going out Thursday night. Yeah, incase I ran into someone. I had Thursday off work and planned to sleep and swim, but i was woken up by a text from an old friend asking me if they could pleaaaaaaasssseeeeeee use my hair for training. Almost said no, but decided there was no real reason i couldn't help her out, apart from laziness. I ended up getting a free trim out of it.

That night, I went to see Marky Ramone. He handed me his drumstick. Walked to the edge of the stage and handed it to me. He also signed my Road To Ruin LP. Fucked up, I know.

Every other good karma scenario that has happened is a bit hazy, but I know there's been heaps. I feel wonderful. It's so dope.

The last 24 hours have been so perfect, too. In a last minute decision a few of us went out to Glebe to watch the dog's. Too much fun, even though the rain was hectic. I bet on one dog only, Hendrix, and won. Kyle and I then went home and spent a hilarious hour trying to hypnotize ourselves on youtube (highly recommended), and then I saw someone dope. We kissed and ate lollies and wrote our names and upside down crosses on walls with markers. I watched him eat a burger and then I went home and talked to Kyle about being nervous around the opposite sex when your sober and who our perfect sprouters are. I woke up to the rain and a coffee and then Kyle and I missioned out across the bridge to find furniture at this massive charity store. Now furniture was found but we did find TWO COPIES of the Kittens inspired by kittens (youtube this) book. I found a nice skirt, a shirt that has a mind-warp print on it and This Is Spinal Tap on VHS.

I finally booked my big trip and only had to pay $500. I arrive in London Sept 23 and spend a week there. Then it's a week in Paris and a week in Rome. I fly out to New York for a week and then to LA for a month. I'm so fucking syked.

I found out Simone got a job, which is fucking unreal. She's coming up in two days and I couldn't be happier. It's going to be another 'best week of my life'. For the third time in a row. Fucking jesus. I hope I stay this syked forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see Jade tomorrow night. She is the closest I'll get to meeting Mother Nature, or some other really powerful force. Oh, she's so wonderful. I can't wait to tell her I am happy. I hope she has been feeling happy too.


Ellëcia said...



You are so good at life.
I really do love you.